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  • Leeroy Jenkin's Sub-Quadron A Brand New Take on Quadron. Test Out Your Skill With Sudden Death Obsticles. 📍 Want to make maps? Join the Mapmaking Discord![discord.gg] 📍 🎮 Want to play custom maps? Join the Community Workshop Games Discord![discord.gg] 🎮
  • An almost normal Rocket League Map. With every goal you come closer to finishing your puzzle, but it will also get harder to score the next goal. Especially because your opponent will attempt to finish his puzzle as well and if you get scored on, you will lose your hard earned pieces. - Can you finish your puzzle before the game is over? Big Shoutout to danfai for feedback and helping me figure out, how to get the multiplayer part working! You can find all my maps in my collection: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2310754230

  • Welcome to the Capsule! Also known as the pill, but that's not Family Friendly. Gameplay: The ball spawns in the middle, In order to score, you hit it into the goal area which is passed the giant holographic wall. Once the ball is in the goal area, the ball will start counting down from 3. After 3 seconds, the ball will be scored. In order to stop the counter, you must hit it out of the goal area. If you are confused on how it works, I included my gameplay video in the images above so you can see how it works in-game. Mutators: Boost: Unlimited Fun Mutators: - Boomer - Rumble (Can cause a weird issue where the counter won't always show up on the ball. But the ball will still be scored after three seconds, there just isn't an indicator. It has something to do with how the powerups interact with the ball.) - Disable Goal Reset GLHF!

  • This is the first map I created, so I'm open for critics and bug reports in the comments. If you like my little parkour course I'm open to create more maps of this style. It's supposed to be played without boost. Have fun and enjoy. I made some graphic changes and fixed the sticky walls. Please let me know If you encounter any bugs. I also uploaded my second project to the workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2126337013

  • Welcome to Horseshoes! Take turns hitting the Horseshoe towards the pole. Ringers are 3 points, and any Horseshoes touching the circle are worth 1! BE SURE TO WAIT FOR THE BALL RESET WHEN IT'S YOUR TURN! Mutators: Unlimited Time and Unlimited Boost Join My Discord for Sneak Peeks and Bloopers - https://discord.gg/GEDSJZrQ6u My Twitch - https://twitch.tv/communist_cowboy My Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/communistcowboy Logo by Cicinaa - https://cicinaalibra.wixsite.com/cicinaalibra
  • Updated and remastered version of Leth's famous dribble map. Leth did all the work, I just uploaded it. Key changes: -Normal mode is now default - no need to waste time choosing it at the start -Freeplay mode is now available! Just drive into the Freeplay mode option at the beginning and drive to the level of your choice. -Updated/remastered graphics! IMPORTANT Enable high quality shaders in your settings. If you don't, then the pillars and other gold items will look like mustard (and maybe mess up depth perception) Uploaded with permission from Leth. Enjoy!

  • Did I eat too much during the holidays? You bet. But it's not fair that I'm the only one running on a treadmill, my car should as well. Welcome to Fatburner where eggs cheer for you while you burn those extra calories. Both the car and the ball are pushed in the direction showed by the arrows. For a better gameplay the ball sets slightly higher than normal so you wll see a double ring under it, nothing I could do about it You like the color white? You'll love using it in training. Settings: Unlimited boost Huge thanks to Mr. Phil, Mr. Swaggles and Ecrase-patate Thank you Furnas!

  • Welcome to the Vent Maze! The Vent is a 100x100 maze. Based on the Vent Maze made in Team Fortress Two. Gameplay: This 100x100 maze has eight checkpoints along the maze to show you that you're going the right way. You can use the map for the maze [drive.google.com] if you would like some extra help but real gamers do it the hard way. There are eight checkpoints throughout the maze. They are purely for visual and serotonin purposes. All the checkpoints have different colors so you know if you're going backwards or not. I highly recommend you complete the maze on your own but if you feel like you want to give up, here's the Solution to the Maze. [drive.google.com] Mutators: Time: Unlimited Boost: Unlimited Demolish: Disabled Max Score: 1 Goal GLHF!

  • Happy Holidays! Simple game mode, start by getting the ball out of the fireplace and score by putting it back in on your opponents side. Mutators: Unlimited Boost Boomer and 2x boost strength works well for covering the map faster #of people- The more the merrier, its a pretty large map.

  • Welcome to A Pile Of Arenas. Now you can play Rocket League, but the difference to normal gameplay is that it's like ten times better! The reason for that is the pure size of that... thing. Everyone starts at the top of the tower. You'll probably notice that there are some holes in the ground. Travelling through them leads to the next level beneath. Points which can be earned by scoring increase as you travel further down. (Maximum is at ten points.)

    In summary: It's worth the trip! Mutators • You should definitely enable unlimited or rechargeable boost, as there are no boost pads (yet). • A maximum score can make the game more exciting, as it is possible to win by a single goal! • Gravity can effect the gameplay
  • Welcome to the Alphabet! 26 Arenas for 26 letters, every single letter has 2 goals and one ball. Once you score in one letter, you move onto the next and then once you go through all 26 letters, you start over at the letter A. As of 2/21/2021 there is a bug with Rocket Plugin and it not correctly loading workshop maps. If you intend to play any workshop map, it is recommended to replace underpass instead. For some reason, if you don't you won't be able to play the letters X,Y, or Z. Turn off Dynamic Shadows in Video Settings. This map has weird lighting to ensure that everything is properly lit, but will cause weird shadows to happen with your car Mutators: - Time: Unlimited - Boost Amount: Unlimited Boomer and Rumble are two fun modes that will make it a lot easier. However, I highly recommend you play it normally first. DO NOT change the score with Match Admin, This will cause the game to skip 2 letters. GLHF!

  • To see custom textures you will need to import these. https://rocketleaguemods.com/mods/workshop-textures/

  • Welcome to the Bath Tub, where the entire map is shaped like a Bath Tub! This map is super good for air dribbles and you'll see why! Gameplay: The field is shaped like a bathtub, the goals are on the top. The indent of the tub is one full field in height, so you have to air dribble every ball out! Unless you can hit a pinch that goes the height of two rocket league fields. If you need help getting it out, consider putting on Boomer, Rumble, Low Gravity or another mode like that. Mutators: Boost: Unlimited GLHF!

  • UPDATE: the map is now playable with default ball size ______________________________________________ Fully playable bowling in Rocket League! Bakkesmod is not required, but is recommended to enhance the experience Mutators (optional): - Ball Max Speed: fast - Ball Physics: Light (for lower ranked players, default for higher ranks) This map is compatible with up to four players. If you have four players, you can either split into teams of two players each, or you can do individual scoring for each player as well. Rules - There will be ten frames with two rolls per frame (besides the tenth frame) just like real bowling - Scoring will be 3 points for a strike, and two points for a spare, and one point for 1 to 9 pins down in two rolls Tenth Frame - The tenth frame will be played like it is in normal bowling (look this up if you don't know how it works) - It will be scored differently with one point for a strike or spare, and no points for anything else - The game will end when all players have bowled their tenth frame - The highest scoring player is the winner Credits: - Map made and tested by: DaFlame

  • AFL ..... IN ROCKET LEAGUE! As an Aussie, my first map is that of our national sport. AFL! I have created a map as close to the Australian Football League (AFL) (or as us Aussies like to call it, The Footy!) as possible. For those who don't know how our treasured sport is played, I will give a quick summary as this will help with gameplay. How is AFL/ABL played? The middle goal awards 6 points The outer goals, a.k.a scoring a behind, awards 1 point When a behind is scored against a team, they will start with the ball for the kickoff A goal will start the kickoff in the centre of the field as usual Mutators Boost: Fast recharge or unlimited Feel free to play with any other mutators I'd like to give a massive shoutout to the awesome peeps at the RLMM Discord[discord.com]as well as Simple Shark for his fantastic video tutorial series! Want to join a community of custom map players? Join the Community Workshop Games Discord[discord.com] Features to be added Boostpads Gridiron compatibility Bug reports and suggestions are more than welcome! Have fun! P.S. GO THE HAWKS!
  • What have I done... I flipped the standard field 90 degrees and I regret everything. There are a list of sets of mutators that you can do below. Mutator Options:

    Gravity: Low Boost: Not Default Gravity: None (Enable in bakkesmod 'Current Game' Tab) Boost: Unlimited Boost Strength: 1.5x Boomer Mode Rumble: Any Boost: Slow Recharge GLHF! If you can
  • 2 Regular Rocket League Balls Attached Together! Multiplayer Compatible. Showcased here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6jZh2YwM84

  • Play Chair Soccer in Rocket League The Goal of Chair soccer is to be the last man standing or in this case on the field. To get people out you hit the ball underneath the chairs. The chair you spawn in front of is your chair to defend. i would recommend To have unlimited match time. You need to turn of demos. You also need to re-host a match once it is finished if you want to play again

  • Air Racing But Harder A storm has invaded the air race map and sent the original course into shambles. Prepare to have all aspects of your aerial control challenged in this beefed up version of the air race map. If you haven't already, make sure to try out the original version of the map here *Time trial mode in the map is temporarily broken. For the time being, only play the map in race mode for multiplayer matches. Join the Air Race Discord![discord.com] • Over 1,300 members and plenty of people to race with • Weekly Multiplayer Tournaments with cash prize pools
  • A place, where you can explore, hang out at the skatepark, fly through some rings, spawn yourself a few protesters or try your luck at the casino. Have fun.
