Vent Maze

Welcome to the Vent Maze! The Vent is a 100x100 maze. Based on the Vent Maze made in Team Fortress Two. Gameplay: This 100x100 maze has eight checkpoints along the maze to show you that you're going the right way. You can use the map for the maze [drive.google.com] if you would like some extra help but real gamers do it the hard way. There are eight checkpoints throughout the maze. They are purely for visual and serotonin purposes. All the checkpoints have different colors so you know if you're going backwards or not. I highly recommend you complete the maze on your own but if you feel like you want to give up, here's the Solution to the Maze. [drive.google.com] Mutators: Time: Unlimited Boost: Unlimited Demolish: Disabled Max Score: 1 Goal GLHF!