Save The Planet Challenge by Trifftnix

Can you save our planet? All the balls are filled with different types of recyclable trash and you need to sort everything correctly into the proper goals. You can play it in SINGLEPLAYER mode and try to get a highscore. What will be your best time? And of course you can play it in MULTIPLAYER with your friends and see which team is better at saving our planet and can score more points. Recycling was never more fun! Recommended Settings: Unlimited Time If you like this map, pls give it a thumbs up. How to play custom maps with friends: https://www.infinidim.org/playing-private-workshop-maps-matches-in-rocket-league You can find all my maps in my collection: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2310754230 Big Shoutout to Danfai and Ecrase-Patate for alpha-testing and to the guys of the community-workshop-discord BalancedWaffle, Shark, InfiniteTroll, Geneboie and Atomizer for betatesting.